Pathway of the Wise

"If you consider yourself wise and learned, show it by your good life and let your actions, in all humility, be an example for others. But if your heart is full of bitter jealousy and ambition, do not try to show off; that would be covering up the truth; this kind of wisdom does not come from above but from the world and it is earthly and devilish. Wherever there is jealousy and ambition, you will aslo find discord and all that is evil. Instead, the wisdom which comes from above is pure and peace-loving. Persons with this wisdom show understanding and listen to advice; they are full of compassion and good works; they are impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow peace reap a harvest of justice."
JAMES 3:13-18
"Jesus, I want to be someone who follows You constantly,
not just when I feel like it.
Grant me the grace to live out my commitments to You."
bakit nman "pathway of the wise"?pano kung si ethel booba or si jessica simpson ang dadaan dun?bawal ba sila?(",),,rac
ngek! gawin ba namang literal... =P
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