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Sunday, October 28, 2012

God's Instruments

From ssnet.org

Every High Priest is taken from among mortals and appointed to be their representative before God to offer gifts and sacrifices for sin.  He is able to understand the ignorant and erring for he himself is subject to weakness.  This is why he is bound to offer sacrifices for his sins as well as for the sins of the people.  Besides, one does not presume to take this dignity, but takes it only when called by God, as Aaronw as.

Nor did Christ become High Priesy in taking upon himself this dignity, but it was given to him by the One who says:  You are my son, I have begotten you today.

Hebrews 5:1-6

"Father, remind us always to love our neighbors as much as You love us and to stay humble at all times as You use us as Your instruments."


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