Is It The Truth?

"They left the tomb at once in holy fear, yet with great joy, and they ran to tell the news to the disciples.
"Suddenly, Jesus met them on the way and said, 'Peace.' The women approached him, embraced his feet and worshiped him. But Jesus said to them, 'Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to set out for Galilee; there they will see me.'
"While the women were on their way, the guards returned to the city and some of them reported to the chief priests all that had happened. The chief priests met with the Jewish authorities and decided to give the soldiers a good sum of money, with thi instruction, 'Say that his disciple came by night while you were asleep, and stole the body of Jesus. If Pilate comes to know of this, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.' The soldiers accepted the money and did as they were told. This story has ciruculated among the Jews until this day."
MATTHEW 28:8-15
"Bless You, Lord, and may many more people
be educated with Christian truths."
ano po ang truth about "gogel"?
kasi, hindi naman lahat nakalagay na information sa internet ay true. you have to verify and dig deeper if what is written has some truth in it. yung Google po ay means to help search yung information a person may be seeking
tsaka, nde mo napansin yung isang window? site po sya ng National Geographics about the Gospel of Judas... ;)
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