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Sunday, July 13, 2008


From www.amazon.com

"I consider that the suffering of our present life cannot be compared with the Glory that will be revealed and given to us. All creation is eagerly expecting the birth in glory of the children of God. For if now the created world was unable to attain its purpose, this did not come from itself, but from the one who subjected it. But it is not without hope, for even the created world will be freed from this fate of death and share the freedom and glory of the children of God.

"We know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pangs of birth. Not creation along, but even ourselves, although the Spirit was given to us as a foretaste of what we are to receive, we groan in our innermost being, eagerly awaiting the day when God will give us full rights and rescue our bodies as well."

ROMANS 8:18-23

"Lord, grant me the grace to endure my pain and sufferings
with faith and hope that in the end
all things will be perfectly restored in You! Amen."

