It's A Sign!
LUKE 11:29-32
"May Your life and death be enough sign for me of Your love."
(Click on the picture to view the bigger image)
"May Your life and death be enough sign for me of Your love."
"Lord, even if it isn't easy,
help me to accept Your will in all areas of my life."
Labels: religion
"You are Truth, You are life.
May I never forget this."
Labels: Pentax, photo editing, religion
"Lord, quiet me and clam my heart.
Silence the noise of my life that I may hear Your voice."
Labels: mobile phone camera, photography, religion
"Then you will call and Yahweh will answer,
you will cry and he will say, I am here.
"If you remove from your midst the yoke,
the clenched fist and the wicked word,
if you share your food with hungry
and give relief to the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the dark,
your night will be like noon.
Yahweh will guide you always
and give you relief in desert places.
He will strengthen your bones;
he will make you as a watered garden,
like a spring of water
whose waters never fail.
Your ancient ruins will be rebuilt,
the age-old foundations will be riased.
You will be called the Breach-mender,
and the Restorer of ruined houses.
"If you stop profaning the sabbath
and doing as you please on the holy day,
if you call the sabbath a day of delight
and keep sacred Yahweh's hold day,
if you honor it by not going your own way,
not doing as you please
and not speaking with malice,
then you will find happiness in Yahweh,
over the heights you will ride triumphantly,
on the inheritance of your father Jacob
you will feast joyfully.
The mouth of Yahweh has spoken."
ISAIAH 58:9-14
"Fill me with Your Spirit of perseverance and love."
Labels: religion
Pentax Optio S50
"Cry out aloud for all you are worth;
raise your voice like a trumpet blast;
tell my people of their offenses,
Jacob's family of their sins.
"Is it true that they seek me
day after day, longing to know my ways,
as a people that does what is right
and has not forsaken the word of its God?
"They want to know the just laws
and not to drift away form their God.
'Why are we fasting,' they complain,
'and you do not even see it?
We are doing penance and you never notice it.'
"Look, on your fast days you push your trade
and you oppress your laborers.
Yes, you fast but end up quarreling,
striking each other with wicked blows.
Fasting as you do
will not make your voice heard on high.
"Is that the kind of fast that pleases me,
just a day for a man to humble himself?
Is fasting merely bowing down one's head,
and making use of sackcloth and ashes?
Would you call that fasting,
a day acceptable to Yahweh?
"See the fast that pleases me:
breaking the letters of injustice
and unfastening the thongs of the yoke,
setting the oppressed free
and breaking every yoke.
Fast by sharing your food with the hungry,
bring to your house the homeless,
clothe the man you see naked
and do not turn away from your own kin.
"Then will your light break forth as the dawn
and your healing come in a flash.
Your righteousness will be your vanguard,
the Glory of Yahweh your rearguard.
Then you will call and Yahweh will answer,
you will cry and he will say, I am here."
ISAIAH 58:1-9
"Help me remember You are omniscient and omnipresent,
ever attentive to me."
Labels: Pentax, photo editing, religion
"Lord, You are my treasure.
Nothing on earth can compare with You."
Labels: photo editing, religion
"Lord, I come to You this moment..."
Labels: Pentax, photo editing, religion
"Heavenly Father, stir up in me a real hunger for Your truth
and help me to know You that I may be like You."
Labels: Pentax, photo editing, religion
"When I begin to puff up with pride,
remind me again, Lord, who is Lord."
Labels: Canon, photography, religion
"In spite of and despite their weaknesses,
may I learn to love others as You do."
Labels: photo editing, religion
"Lord, give me the grace to be a good listener, especially to You."
Labels: photo editing, religion
"Lord, be it done unto me according to Your word."
Labels: photo editing, photography, religion, Sony
"Thank You for loving all of me, Lord."
Labels: photo editing, religion
"Lord, let my life be a pleasing fragrance to You."
Labels: Canon, photography, religion
"I realize that more than the miracles You work out for me, You are more interested in my growth out of worrying about trivial matters so I can truly listen to Your voice."
Labels: Pentax, photo editing, religion
"Lord, come to my rescue each time my doubting self would manifest."
Labels: religion
""May I be thankful always for what I have on earth now,
and be always conscious of what I have to come in Your home.
Labels: mobile phone camera, photo editing, religion
"O my God, I am heartily sorry, for having offended Thee..."
Labels: religion
"Where does your curiosity lead you?"
Labels: Canon, photo editing, photography, religion
"My heart make humble, O God."
Labels: Canon, photography, religion
"Make my heart a dwelling place, a temple just for You!"
"Come Holy Spirit, rekindle in us the fire of Your love..."
Canon EOS 350D, f/5.6, 1/1250 sec
"For day and night, thank You, Lord.
For breeze and sights, praise You, Lord.
For every cloud and rainbow,
every morning dew,
all this made with love for me from You!"
Labels: Canon, photography, religion
"Now Lord, with Your help
I shall become all that You want me to be."
Labels: religion
Canon EOS 350D, f/11, 1/640 sec
"Jesus, You're always watching out for me.
You even give me all that I need to live according to Your will.
For this I am eternally grateful. Amen."
Labels: Canon, photography, religion
"For banishing our fear of death, and for letting Your fire
burn away our flaws little by little, we thank You, Lord Jesus."
Labels: religion
"Lord, teach me to live my life based on Your love,
not on whether people accept me or not."
Labels: Canon, photography, religion