From nomadicjoe.blogspot.com |
Then Yahweh answered Job out of the storm:
Have you ever commanded the morning,
or shown the dawn its place,
that it might grasp the earth by its edges
and shake the wicked out of it,
when it takes a clay color
and changes its tint like a garment;
when the wicked are denied their won light,
and their proud arm si shattered?
Have you journeyed to where the sea begins
or walked in its deepest recesses?
Have the gates of death been shown to you?
Have you seen the gates of Shadow?
Have you an idea of the breadth of the earth?
Tell me, if you know all this.
Where is the way to the home of light,
and where does darkness dwell?
Can you take them to their won regions,
and set them on their homeward paths?
You know, for you were born before them,
and great is the number of your years!
Job said:
How can I reply, unworth as I am!
All I can do is put my hand over my mouth.
I have spoken once, now I will not answer;
oh, yes, twice, but I will do no further.
Job 38:1,12-21;40:3-5
"Lord, please guide and direct my path. For I know that even in darkness You are with me. Amen."